Women’s Abortion Stories
Here you’ll find links to sites that post many women’s abortion stories.
- Share your story with the National Abortion Federation.
- At I Am Dr Tiller you will find stories of individuals who have dedicated their lives to making abortion safe, legal, healthy, and accessible to women and girls. These people may be nurses, counselors, escorts, volunteers at abortion funds, or abortion doctors themselves.
- Personal stories Many Voices, Many Choices published by the Feminist’s Women’s Health Center. “Telling our stories helps us to understand each other.”
- NARAL Pro-choice America Read everyday stories from people who share their personal experiences and feelings about the right to choose.
- Choice Out Loud will share and solicit personal stories and experiences of choice. They will begin a different type of conversation on abortion. One that is led by millennial women and men born after 1980. One that is less about politics, and more about people.